Articles on: 🛒 Sticky Add To Cart

How to uninstall the 1-click Sticky Add to Cart Bar app?

Helloo! 👋😁

To cancel your subscription and completely remove the app from the theme, all you need to do is delete the app in the Shopify backend.

To proceed with this, navigate to the Shopify backend, select "Apps" from the left menu, and then click on "Apps and Sales Channels Settings."

Now, locate the "Uninstall" button next to the 1-click sticky add to cart app and click on it.

The app does not leave any code snippets on the store theme, that means that after uninstalling the app there would be nothing related to the app on the theme.

You may also check this video tutorial! --> How to uninstall my sticky bar button?

If you still have any issues or questions please don't hesitate to contact us at ✉️

Sorry to see you leave and thanks for giving the app a try! 🙏

Updated on: 01/01/2024

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