Does the app integrates with ajax/drawers carts?
Hey! 👋
To integrate the cross-sell offer do the following:
Go to the Settings tab -> Cross Sell on the left menu -> Cart slider -> Slider in ajax/drawer Cart -> Select Enable

Add the following code to your popup/drawer cart liquid file:
If you still have any issues or questions please don't hesitate to contact us at ✉️.
To integrate the cross-sell offer do the following:
Go to the Settings tab -> Cross Sell on the left menu -> Cart slider -> Slider in ajax/drawer Cart -> Select Enable

Add the following code to your popup/drawer cart liquid file:
<div data-page="cart" data-location="popup">
<span zoorix-widget="upsell"></span>
If you still have any issues or questions please don't hesitate to contact us at ✉️.
Updated on: 10/08/2023
Thank you!