How to display a cross-sell offer to "all" products in your store?
Let me show you how to create a cross sell offer that will show on "all" products to your store.
From your dashboard, navigate to "Offers" and then select "Cross Sell."

Click the "Add mappings" button to create a new offer.

In the source product section, locate and click on the "Add by filter" button.

Open the dropdown menu next to "Product type."

Choose "All products" from the dropdown and click "Add."

Proceed to the next step.

Select the complementary items you wish to display on all products in your store.

Click "Next" and then save your changes.

You may also check this video tutorial! --> How to display a cross-sell offer to "all" products in your store?
If you have any questions or require assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at ✉️.
Updated on: 11/01/2024
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