Zoorix JavaScript events
Hi ya! 😁
Yes! Zoorix triggers set of javascript events in certain steps of purchasing the app offers, so If you are a developer customizing the app, you may have a look on the following javascript events that can help while customizing Zoorix:
If there's anything missing or if you need an additional event, don't hesitate to contact us at support@zoorix.com.
Happy coding! 🙌🙌
Yes! Zoorix triggers set of javascript events in certain steps of purchasing the app offers, so If you are a developer customizing the app, you may have a look on the following javascript events that can help while customizing Zoorix:
document.addEventListener("zrx-loaded", function (e) {
// code here runs after the app was loaded on the store
document.addEventListener("zrx-bundle-added", function (e) {
// code here runs after a bundle was added
document.addEventListener("zrx-slider-item-added", function (e) {
// code here runs after a slider item was added
document.addEventListener("zrx-slider-before-item-added", function (e) {
// code here runs before slider item was added
document.addEventListener("zrx-vd-added", function (e) {
// code here runs when volume discount is added
document.addEventListener("zrx-quick-view-opened", function (e) {
// code here runs when the quick view modal is opened
document.addEventListener("zrx-quick-view-closed" function (e) {
// code here runs when the quick view modal is closed
If there's anything missing or if you need an additional event, don't hesitate to contact us at support@zoorix.com.
Happy coding! 🙌🙌
Updated on: 07/03/2024
Thank you!