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How the Cross-Sell works? 🦄

Warm hello! 👋😁

In this tutorial we will explain about the cross-sell offer. Let's start! 😎

The cross-sell feature enables to show 1-click cross-sell offers on product pages and on the cart page.

Here's an example form Zoorix demo store:

Let's quickly overview the cross-sell settings. The cross-sell settings can be found under the Settings tab -> Cross-Sell on the left menu

Following are the main settings of the cross-sell:

Quick View
The quick view enables the customer look at the suggested product without leaving the product page or cart page.

Scroll down to reach the Quick View section:

Here's how it looks on-site when the customer hovers over the cross-sell item:

This is the pop-up when the customer clicks "Quick View":

The customer can add the product directly from the quick view pop-up.

Notification pop-up
Scroll down to the Notification pop-up section:

This is how it looks on-site when the customer adds a product using the cross-sell:

Scroll down to the collapse section. You can check the box to enable cross-sell collapse, and set the background color (with transparency if you'd like):

Here's how it looks on-site. The customer has to click it to open it:

How to set the products in the cross-sell?

The items in the cross-sell offer can be manually selected using product mapping, automatically using the app algorithm based on the store orders, or combination of both.

Set product recommendations manually

Product mapping is the way to manually set the cross-sell offers. To do that, go to the Offers tab -> Cross-Sell on the left menu:

For a detailed tutorial about settings product mappings, please to the product mapping tutorial.

This is a list of products that will NEVER be displayed in the cross-sell offers. Please refer to the Excluded feature tutorial for further reading.

Set product recommendations automatically

To enable the automatic recommendations engine, go to the Settings tab -> Cross-Sell on the left menu -> Product recommendations section.

Now disable the "Show cross-sell only on source product" configuration and enable the "AI powered recommendations".

Hybrid mode of both manual and automatic recommendations

To set the hybrid mode you should set the automatic mode (see #2 above) and define some product mappings (see #1 above). That way the app will show the automatic recommendation where there aren't any manual offers defined.

Updated on: 06/01/2023

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